Does the Stargate Team Ever Meet the Nox Again

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This article is almost the people. For the episode, see The Nox.

"We become life from the wood. From everything."

The Nox are an avant-garde humanoid race from the lush planet Gaia, located in the Milky way galaxy. The Nox had a symbiotic relations with nature, and were an absolute pacifism and not-violence social club. They also did not allow to their technological advances to compromise the natural beauty of their environment.


The Nox are peaceful and fairy-like people, capable of reviving the expressionless and rendering objects as large as their own city invisible. (SG1: "The Nox")


"Our ways have served us for equally long as our people take lived."

The Nox are considered to exist a fellow member of the Alliance of Four Great Races", along with the Alterans, Asgard, and Furlings. (SG1: "The Fifth Race")

The Nox' symbol.

They encountered SG-1 on their homeworld when the Goa'uld Organization Lord Apophis came hunting for the Fenri. (SG1: "The Nox")

When SG-1 wanted to aid the Tollans escape World and the NID, they suggested that the Nox could take them. The Nox subsequently helped the refugees exit Globe and build a Stargate on their new dwelling house earth of Tollana. In addition, Lya acted equally the neutral Archon in the Triad of Skaara and Klorel. When Teal'c became suspicious of the Goa'uld'south intentions during the Triad, he approached Lya for assist and they reached a compromise: Lya refused to directly help confronting the Goa'uld but would hide ane of the Tollan's ion cannons in case it was necessary. It turned out to exist a necessary precaution every bit the Goa'uld did attack, but Lya walked a fine line in doing so: she didn't intermission the Nox' pacifism as she just hid the cannon, not fired it. (SG1: "Enigma", "Pretense")


They are known to be 1 of the oldest species that inhabit the galaxy though very few know of them. Like the Ancients, more or less they were humans, but with a faint grey skin colour besides as grass-like hair from which branches and leaves abound. The Nox tend to wear archaic clothing with colors that combine grayness to gray-bluish to violet and crimson. They appear slightly shorter than average humans with a slight build; they often present an unassuming façade which belies their capabilities.

Considering of their more advanced physiology and symbiotic relations with nature, the eldest of the Nox can reach the age of 500 years with children reaching maturity past the historic period of xviii years. One time a Nox reaches machismo, their aging slows downwardly to an almost imperceptible rate. Simply during the final two centuries of a Nox'due south life exercise they begin to appear old but this as well belies their true age.

Evolved abilities

  • Heightened intellect: The Nox are an extremely intelligent and perceptive race that are able to perform complex arithmetic in fractions of a second.
  • Eidetic retentivity: They possess an astounding ability to comprehend and retain information with near perfect memories.
  • Heightened perception: They brand use of the five senses that Humans use but they are far more acute when compared to Humans assuasive them to pick up on details and subtleties around them that others would miss entirely. This provides the Nox with abilities that edge on actress-sensory perception due to their perceptive nature and heightened senses.
  • Bio-electrical tuning: In improver to this, the Nox possess the innate ability to melody into the bio-electric fields within other beings, in a sense "reading" them at a level far beyond normal senses. They are capable of also channeling their natural heightened perception into a number of extraordinary abilities that include the ability to learn languages after hearing them spoken for only a short time, a balmy form of mind-reading that allows them to detect nearby surface thoughts, and the ability to heal others. With the latter power, which they refer to as the Ritual of Life, the Nox are capable of completely healing the nearly severe of injuries and even resurrect the recently deceased so long as the tiniest amount of molecular activity too every bit bio-electric energy remains within the body. In society to accomplish this ritual, in that location is a minimum requirement of three Nox to perform the intense and focused concentration which interrupts their power to use their technology. They as well tin can render extremely large objects invisible and insubstantial. It is unlikely, however, that a characteristic such equally their urban center is cloaked in this fashion. It most likely uses its own cloaking device. (RPG: "Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Flavour One")


Nox writing.

The race has a symbiotic relationship with nature and, in particular, the forests of the globe as well as the living beings that occupy it be they animal or found. In the view of the Nox, all beings contribute to and receive from the universe. This view prevented the Nox from allowing their technological advances to compromise the natural dazzler of their environment of their globe. Nox scholars long ago discovered that "life", the energy that keeps all beings alive, is in essence a dynamic energy myriad of other free energy fields that be outside the physical course. The Nox believe these external free energy fields comprise the "life force" of their planet and the universe itself. In their view, these private fields, also known every bit "consciousness" to the people of Earth, exists with an external field with each working with the other i. The Nox appear to be less arrogant than most technologically avant-garde races, as they only kindly refer to the humans as "young", instead of referring to them flatly as "archaic", like most of the other races do. The Nox (at least the ones who live in the wood) are vegetarians: they commonly eat fruit, porridge and different plants. They don't consume meat: the Nox believe that every animate being, every beingness is sacred and has rights to alive. It'southward likely that the Nox become protein, carbohydrates and other important elements from their white porridge and different special plants.


"Maybe one day you will larn, that your way is not the simply style."

The Nox practice a philosophy of absolute pacifism and non-violence that is and then strict that they decline fifty-fifty to defend themselves when threatened. Should a Nox notice themselves in such a state of affairs, they tend to typically hide through the use of their stealth engineering or simply use their technology to remove the aggressors forth with their weapons. This policy is then strict that others within their domain are forced to obey their rules of policy of pacifism when necessary. Should visitors attempt to use violence confronting one another, the Nox remove their weapons as role of their rules.

The Ritual of Life existence used to resurrect Lya.

The Nox race highly value freedom; both for themselves and for the others. They refuse to borrow on the rights of others for free selection except where such individuals choose to make apply of violence or war-like ways. As such, the Nox accept no say-so except their own and thus refuse to allow others to impose their views on others.

Isolationist and not-interventionist in the extreme, they feel morally obligated to assistance both sides of an statement, no matter if one side is thoroughly evil. Example in signal, they volition as aid both the Goa'uld and the Tau'ri (Earth Humans). They will not even fight to protect themselves; notwithstanding, with their abilities of rendering objects invisible and resurrecting their expressionless, fighting is unnecessary.

When Tollana comes under set on, it is saved because Teal'c and Lya hid an Ion cannon with Lya'south abilities. When asked near this, as it should get against the Nox's rules confronting violence, Lya says that it was alright as she just "hid" the weapon, not "fired" it, although she admitted that when she did she walked a very fine line. (SG1: "The Nox", "Pretense")


"Cognition takes time. Over the years we teach the immature to be wise."

The Nox's advanced applied science is shown when they revealed their floating city to the SG-1 squad on the Nox's planet. They are also capable of establishing a wormhole instantly (without needing to dial) without the unstable vortex effect and disable Stargate Command'southward Iris while traveling to Earth, both capabilities shared with the Asgard. They rarely use their engineering science, nonetheless, preferring to alive in a simpler state with nature. Both their cloaking technology, and the disabling of the unstable vortex are technologies that other members of the Alliance of Four Neat Races possess, possibly meaning that they traded it with each other. (SG1: "The Nox", "Enigma", "Pretense"). Also, possibly, some of their abilities (such ability as rendering objects) actually can be created past tech, although we haven't seen it earlier.

Known Nox

  • Anteaus
  • Lya
  • Nafrayu
  • Ohper
  • Druana

External links

  • GateWorld'southward article on Nox in The Stargate Omnipedia

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