Can You.take a Train Back if You Miss Your Train There


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преподаватель англ.языка



Ex. 1 Translate these words into Russian.


Ex. 2 Read texts A-C. Match them to the pictures. One picture doesn't match any of the texts.




Ex. 3 Read again and complete the sentences.

  • You can go on a dog sled ride in…………………………………………….

  • A dog sled ride is a(n) ………………you will always remember.

  • A rickshaw tour will take you through………………………………………

  • To go on a rickshaw tour you pay ……………………………………………

  • You can listen to …………………… while you are on a gondola tour.

  • A gondola tour usually takes ………………………………………………….

Ex. 4 Use the verbs in the list in their correct form to complete the advert. hello_html_m477bb48d.jpg

Set off, visit, pass, take, last, go, stop, book.

Ex. 5 Put the words in the correct order. hello_html_40951232.gif hello_html_560903be.gif

  1. Wear/clothes/warm

  2. Partner/a/always/with/ski

  3. Be/of/careful/rocks

  4. Tired/when/you/stop/feel

  5. Hillsides/sleep/don't/ski down

Ex. 6 Match the signs 1 – 5 to the meanings a-e. say sentences a-e in your language.


  1. You can park here.

  2. You can make a phone call in 5 miles.

  3. You can't eat or drink.

  4. You can't take photographs.

  5. You can't camp here.

Ex. 7 Look at the pictures and write sentences with each other.

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Ex. 8 Match to form names of sports and activities.

  1. Sun a) surfing

  2. Jet b) bathing

  3. Scuba c) punting

  4. Go d) water rafting

  5. White e) diving

  6. Wind f) skiing

Ex. 9 Read these words. What are these words in your language? Group them under the headings.

live in/stay at work at

Bank, castle, hut, factory, hostel, house, tent, bed & breakfast, office, igloo, museum, library, mall, palace, shop, restaurant, motel, department store, skyscraper.

Ex. 10 Replace the words in bold with others from the list.

Colourful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic

Last winter I went on a skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a 1) small chalet which had a 2) big fireplace in every room. The weather was 3) good so we were able to go skiing every day. In the evenings we had dinner at 4) nice restaurants in the village. The food was really 5) good. There were some 6) nice shops so I bought a 7) nice jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a 8) good time.

Ex. 11 Match each word from column A with its opposite from column B.

Ex. 12 Decide which of the following words are connected with: a) planes, b) ships, c) trains and d) buses. Some words can be used more than once.

Locomotive, mast, runway, harbour, driver, flight, attendant, carriage, life-jackets, dashboard, platform, co-pilot, engine room, radar, boarding pass, purser, number plate, wagon, horn, level crossing, compartment, rear view mirror.


Ex.13 Circle the odd word out.

Aeroplane : seatbelt, wing, deckchair, cockpit

Car: windscreen, boot, brake, anchor

Bicycle: pedal, saddle, exhaust pipe, chain

Train: buffet car, track, handlebars, luggage rack

Ship: deck, bonnet, bridge, cabin.

Ex. 14 Choose the correct word to complete the phrases.

ride drive fly

  1. ………… a bike

  2. ………… a car

  3. ……… ... a horse

  4. ………… . a motorbike

  5. ………… . a plane

  6. ………… . a scooter

  7. ………… . a lorry

Ex. 15 Look at the photo and describe two of them. hello_html_2d2ea843.gif



Ex. 16 How many forms of transport can you name in English?


Ex. 17 Complete the text with these words.

Arrivals cancel catch delay departures fare luggage miss platform return single ticket office

When you go to the station a) ……………a train, if you don't already have a ticket you go and buy one at the b) ………….. You can buy a c) …………. (if you're only going one way) or a d) ………….. (if you're coming back). The e) …………. Is more expensive when you travel first-class because it's more comfortable and you have more space. There isn't an extra cost for f) …………… you can take at least two or three big bags. When you have your ticket, you need to find the g) ……………… where your train is leaving from, if you arrive late, you may h) ……………… your train. But sometimes there can be a i) …………. and your train doesn't arrive on time. And sometimes, there's no train at all because they j) ………… it! It's important to keep looking at the information screens which show the k) …………. (the times that trains are coming into the station) and the l) ……………….. (the times that trains are leaving).

Ex. 18 Match the words and definitions.

Ex. 19 What are the words?

  • A type of transport that goes on the roads and takes a lot of people from one city to another………………………………..

  • The place where you stand to catch a train ……………………….

  • The situation when something happens later than planned ……………….

  • The money that you pay for a journey…………………………

  • A type of sea transport that takes people and cars on journeys that are not very long………………………………………….

  • A ticket for a journey where you go and come back to the same place where you started …………………………………….

  • When you arrive too late for a bus, train or other type of transport………………………………..

  • When you stop something that was going to happen ………………….

Ex. 20 What are these types of accommodation?

  • A place near a big road where travelers stop to sleep…………………

  • A small hotel that gives you a room and a meal………………………..

  • A place where lots of people camp ………………………………………..

  • Something you need to sleep outside …………………………………….

  • A vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday ……………….

  • A place where young people can stay without spending much money ……………………………

Ex. 21 Choose the correct alternative.

  • We arrived at the airport and checked in/off our bags.

  • It was going to be a very long journey so he set on/off early

  • What time does your brother's train get in /off at the station?

  • She got into / on the car and started driving

  • The bus broke up/down so he had to walk

  • A lot of people get away/around from the city at the weekend

Ex. 22 Match the photos with these words.

Bed and breakfast campsite caravan hotel motel tent youth hostel hello_html_m69f959fe.jpg hello_html_m2bb09c9d.png hello_html_m2a16055.jpg


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Ex. 23 Look at the holidays activities and make sentences with them.

Go camping, cycling, fishing, sailing, sightseeing, skiing, snorkeling, surfering, swimming

Go to an amusement park, the beach, the mountains, a swimming pool, a water park

Play football, tennis, volleyball

Stay at a campsite, a hotel, a youth hostel


Ex. 24 Describe the photo on the right. Use some, any, no, a lot of and the nouns below. hello_html_mde1a231.gif

Example: There is a lot of water. There are no cafes.

balls  beach huts  boats  cafes

chairs  children  mountains  people

sand  sunshine  tables  umbrellas


Ex. 25 Answer the questions .

Which types of transport do you use for fun?

Which types of transport do you use?

Which one do you use every day?

Which would you like to try?

Which would you never use?

Ex. 26 Read the text and answer the questions.

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The first motor car was built by Karl Benz in Germany in 1885, the first petrol engine had been designed some years earlier, but Benz was the first to fit it successfully in a vehicle that he could mass-produce. On 5 August 1888, his wife Bertha drove the car for 106 kilometres, proving that the car could travel long distances. Today, Bertha Benz's famous drive is celebrated as a national holiday every year in Germany. However, it was in America that cars were first produced in large numbers in factories. Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903, and since then over the world. Now, over a hundred years later, over 63 million cars are built every year. Many environmentalists believe we should replace cars with greener means of transport, but motor companies are confident that cleaner engines will be developed.

  1. Where was the first car built?

  2. Who was the first person to travel more than 100 kilometres in a car?

  3. In which country were cars first produced in large numbers in factories?


Ex. 27 Match the phrasal verbs with the pictures.

get in hello_html_m4622ccc0.gif

get out of

get off

get on

get back

slow down

take off break down

We use get in and get out of with car and taxi.

We use get on and get off with bus, train, tram, plane,

ship, motorbike, scooter and bike.

Ex. 28 Read the Rule. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from ex.27. Use the past simple.

  • Tom ……………….. the bus at the wrong bus stop, so he walked from there to school.

  • The plane ……………… and flew into the clouds.

  • We called the mechanic when our car ………………. .

  • David …………….. the taxi and gave the driver the address of his hotel.

  • The train ……………… and then stopped at the station.

  • What time did you come home last night?

I …………… at eleven o'clock

  • She ………… her bike and cycled to the shop.

  • Wendy…………….. the car and went into the house.

Ex. 29 Read the text and write T for True or F for False. hello_html_1f5583c4.jpg



1. Yellowstone National Park is only in Wyoming.

2. The park isn't usually open at night.

3. Yellowstone isn't a small park.

4. 'Old Faithful' is a famous park.

5. People can take their children to Yellowstone

Are you a nature lover? Then you should visit the amazing Yellowstone National Park. The biggest part of the park is in Wyoming, U.S., and it's the oldest national park in the world.

It is usually open 24 hours a day and covers a huge area of 3500 square miles. There are lots of sights and activities for the Yellowstone visitor. Its attractions include lakes, forests, canyons, mountains, waterfalls, geysers, rivers and the largest supervolcano in North America. There are also hundreds of animals, fish, birds and reptiles there. There are over 300 geysers in the park, but the most famous one is called 'Old Faithful'. People visit 'Old Faithful' every hour to see the hot water and steam going up almost 200 feet into the air.

There are many things to do at Yellowstone in winter and summer, like hiking, camping, rafting and sightseeing. People can also go fishing there. For the younger visitors, Yellowstone organizes many fun activities and gives them the chance to learn a lot about nature and the history of the park.

Ex. 30 Translate these words and make the sentences with each one.

canyon waterfalls geyser steam reptiles


Ex. 31 Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives given. hello_html_65a1fbb2.jpg


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  1. Slow

train/plane ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

bus/of all ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Convenient

Car/bus ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Underground / of all ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Fast

Train/car ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Plane / of all ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ex.32 Look at the map and write the directions.


How do I go to the bank?


How do I go to the Tony's pizza?


How do I go to the sport center?


How do I go to the City Centre?


Ex.33 Read and write I for Ice Hotel and L for Leaning tower of Pisa.

The Leaning tower of Pisa is a famous building in Italy. Why is it so famous? It's beautiful and it also looks like it's going to fall down. They started building it in 1173, it took two hundred years to finish and it wasn't straight from the very beginning. It's about 60 metres tall and has about 300 stairs. Many tourists visit it every year. The building isn't the tallest building in the world but it is one of the most interesting!

The Ice Hotel near Quebec city, Canada, is a hotel completely made of snow and ice! It was the first ice hotel. in North America. The hotel owners build the hotel every year when the weather gets cold. So you can only stay there during the winter, of course. It is open from January till April. Everything in the hotel is made of ice: the furniture, the walls, even the beds! Special "ice artists" come from all over the world to design the inside of the place. This hotel is definitely the coldest hotel you can visit! hello_html_m4a73278b.jpg

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l. This building has many stairs.

2. This building isn't open all year round.

3. You can sleep in this building.

4. This building is very old.

Ex. 34 Match two parts of the sentence.

1. My car ran out of petrel and I had a. he has lost his keys again.

2. My car has broken down and the mechanic b. someone has stolen it.

3. lt took me a year c. I can't flx it.

4. The lift was out of order, so d. Jill walked to the 5'" floor.

5. My motorbike has a flat tyre and e. to learn Spanish.

6. Tim is very angry because f. to push it to the petrel station.

7. My purse isn't in my bag, so g. is on his way

Ex. 35 Look at the pictures. Choose one situation and write about it. Answer the questions given. hello_html_581a48fc.jpg hello_html_36579098.jpg


Ex. 36 Look at the pictures and write what the instructors told the people, as in the example.

hello_html_3d0a7e9a.jpg My instructor told me not to climb the rope.




put on

blow hello_html_161e73e7.jpg



Ex. 37 Complete the text with the words in the box.


How was your summer? I've just come back from my summer holiday. 1 spent two weeks in Australia with some friends. I had an amazing time! I went sightseeing every day and learnt many interesting facts. You know, Australia is the only (1)_________________ in the world that is also a country. Cool, huh? I didn't stay in Canberra, the (2)______________ city of Australia. I stayed in Sydney. lt's on the east (3) _________________of the country. Sydney has a (4)_____________ of over four million! Australia's official (5)______________ is English, so I didn't have a problem communicating. There are many (6)______________ and fun things to do. Last week, my friends and I went hiking and mountain biking with a (7)______________________ of other tourists and a tour guide. We explored the Great Dividing Range, the biggest (8)____________ range in the country. lts highest mountain is Mount Kosciuszko, and it is over 2200 metres above sea level. I also saw a koala. lt's a very friendly and (9) ________________ animal! My holiday in Australia was a great experience and I can't wait to go again! So, what did you do during your holiday?

Write back soon! hello_html_6a0f7e40.jpg

Ex. 38 Read and answer the questions. hello_html_m1cc562b0.jpg hello_html_m7ee95ea9.jpg


The Maldives are a group of very small islands in the Indian Ocean, near Sri Lanka. It has the smallest population of any Asian country. There are about 1200 islands and there are people living on 200 of them. About 400,000 people live in the Maldives and 75,000 of them are on the capital island, Malé. Malé is different from the other islands in the Maldives, because it doesn't have any beaches. In fact, there is a wall that goes round the whole island.

Eighty-seven of the islands in the Maldives have different types of hotels on them, so tourists can go and enjoy their holidays. They can even stay in a small cabin right over the water like the one in the picture. hello_html_70b689a5.png

lt's very easy to get around the islands. When you arrive on the airport island, you can take a Dhoní and go to Malé. This is a small boat used for transportation around the islands.

Dhoní taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every 15 minutes and after midnight every half hour. You can use these boats to visit other islands, too. hello_html_4c47afb3.jpg

The Maldives are a popular place for scuba-diving, because there are many wonderful fish in the water to see. Also, the water is very clear so when you are underwater you can see for more than 50 metres! There are many professional diving schools with instructors. hello_html_5430aca6.jpg

They speak many languages, so you can find to help you. Of course, that's not all you can do on these beautiful islands. You can go whale and dolphin watching, fishing, surfing, snorkelling, hiking or explore the towns.

  1. How many islands are there in the Maldives?


  1. What's the population of the Maldives?_________________________________

  2. What's the capital of the Maldives? ____________________________________

  3. Does Malé have a beautiful beaches? __________________________________

  4. How can you go from one island to another? ___________________________

  5. How many metres can you see under the water? _______________________

Ex. 39 Complete the text using the words.

Fill out, get off, get on, go through, pick up, set off. Take care of, take off, take out .


When you travel, it's a good idea to 1)__________________ travel insurance. You may also want to ask a friend or neighbor to 2)___________your home while your home while you're away. Before you 3) ______________ on your journey, make sure you have all your important documents. When you arrive at the airport, show your passport and boarding card at passport control, and then 4) _________________ to the departure lounge. Then 5) ___________ the plane, and wait for it to 6) _____________ . Before you land, you may need to 7) ___________ an immigration form. Finally, when you arrive, 8) ____________ the plane and 9) __________ your baggage from the baggage claim.

Ex. 40 Match each activity with a picture.


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1 horseback riding 5 skydiving

2 hang gliding 6 hot-air ballooning

3 mountain biking 7 scuba diving

4 water-skiing 8 sailing

Ex.41 Which adjectives do you think describe each activity?

Adventurous, dangerous, difficult, exciting, expensive, scary, tiring.


Ex.42 Read the factfiles. Then complete the sentences.

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Tokyo isn't as big as New York.

  1. The population of New York City is ……………………………… (large)

  2. New York City is ………… (multicultural)

  3. The summer temperatures in Tokyo are ………….. (high)

  4. Winters in Tokyo aren't as ……….. (cold)

  5. New York is …………. From the equator …….(far).

Ex. 43 Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

  1. What the ………. capital city in the world? (noisy)

  1. Tokyo b) Madrid c) Rome

  1. What's the ……….. capital city in the world? (big)

  1. Buenos Aires b) Mexico City c) Tokyo

  1. What's the ……….. capital city in the world? (dry)

  1. Nairobi b) Lagos c) Cairo

  1. What's the ……….. capital city in the world? (expensive)

  1. London b) Tokyo c) Washington

  1. What's the …………… capital city in the world? (safe)

  1. Copenhagen b) Canberra c) Oslo

  1. What's the ………… capital city in the world? (crowded)

  1. Beijing b) Bangkok c) New Delhi

Ex. 44 Complete the description. hello_html_2552b4b0.jpg

× happy ×rosy ×dark ×friendly hello_html_3c67b37f.jpg

× slim ×polite ×colourful ×nomadic

Peaceful ■ courageous ■ pale ■ facial hello_html_mec72b51.jpg


Ex. 45 Choose the correct word.

Mars is the fourth 1) planet/star from the Sun.

The 'Red Planet' (as people call it) is the second smallest planet in our solar 2) circle/system . It's got a thin 3) atmosphere/air and its days and seasons are similar to the Earth. There are huge canyons, volcanoes and ice caps at its poles. It has got two 4) moons/asteroids , Phobos and Deimos. Mars can be seen from Earth without a 5) telescope/satellite . In 2012, the Mars 'Rover Curiosity' 6) spacecraft/robot discovered water on Mars, but found no 7) evidence/site of life.

Ex. 46 Read the theory, then form nouns from the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

We use -ion (discuss – discussion) , -ment (agree – agreement) , -ation (organise – organisation) , -y (deliver – delivery) to form abstract nouns from verbs.

1 Scientists are very excited about the .......................................................... of an ancient stream on Mars. (DISCOVER). 2 Harry needed hospital ................................after his accident. ( TREAT). 3 If you have any ............................... about the robbery, call this number.( INFORM). 4 The .................................................. lasted for nine hours and caused a lot of earthquakes. (ERUPT).


Can You.take a Train Back if You Miss Your Train There


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